ideal parody rukkus's
ideal parody rukkus's
Not well dude i love you listening since 2017. By the way i write music in the same style be my fan pls!
Пародия ахахах забыл оригинал указать
Нет! Это оригинал. Также, как "Event Horizon" от xKore и Xtrullor
You have your own there jumble
tommorov 21 july
Симпатичный парень симпатичная и музыка
Эх. Если бы я делал более жёсткую музыку...
For hype i will make songs in your style 2008-2009
In 2013 techno is die due to dupstep(((
This is when you dont know what to come up with new so you dont know where to go
I live by music and Newgrounds is like my second home.
Finding meaning
Age 19, Male
Musician performer
Industrially polygraphic tech
Joined on 7/25/20